Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who's In Your Corner??

OK, so a friend of mine used to be a professional mma cage fighter.  And I mean he was the real deal!!  This was his full time job.  His career!!!  He was on a very strict 10,000 calorie PER DAY diet.  Read that again, 10,000 calories PER DAY!!!!  How would your nutritionist feel about that????  He would eat and train from 6am to 10pm Monday - Friday and on Saturday and Sunday he would watch 6 hours of film of his next opponent!!  He was on his way up in the fighting world when he was dealt a devastating blow!!!  Type 1 diabetes.  He felt like it was the end of the world for him.  He lost the only livelihood that he had ever known.  He was obviously forced to quit fighting and he lost everything.  Married with young children, it was a catastrophe for him.  I'm happy to say that this young man is getting back on his feet and has found a profession that he loves and will do very well in.  During his fights, he always had his trainer in his corner.  I can only imagine some of the advice he gave him between rounds.  One thing that he told me was that when he was in his corner between rounds, while his trainer was talking and telling him what to do, all he would do is listen and breath.  He would never say a word.  Hold on to that.  All he would do is listen and then do exactly what his trainer told him to do.  How many times in this fight that we call life do we just need to listen, not say a word and do exactly what our "trainer" tells us to do?  I guess that depends on who is in our corner.  Can I venture out here and suggest that it's God who is always in our corner??  No matter what life is throwing at us, He is there.  God is always in our corner, working on our behalf.  Through the trials that we go through on a daily basis, our Heavenly Father is there.  ALWAYS.  When life deals us the uppercuts, the devastating left hook, the repeated jabs right in the heart, He is there.  He loves us so much and wants to see us through the good times and the bad but most of us just refuse to go to our corner, listen, breath and do exactly what He says!!  When life wrestles us to the ground and just seems to have no mercy, God is there to keep us going.  But we have to TRUST Him.  When it's the toughest of tough times or the best of the best, God is there.  I LOVE that about Him.  You see, no matter what troubles I have in this life, I know that this is not my permanent home.  This is but a season.  Our home, for those of us who call Him our Savior, is eternity with Him.  An eternity with no more tears, no more pain and no more fear!!  How awesome is it that the God of the Universe, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, The One who placed the stars in the sky wants to be in YOUR corner and mine???  I could ramble on and on but I couldn't begin to tell you how much that means to me!!  So sit back and think just a little while, who is it that's in YOUR corner???

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