Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who are YOU??

This is my first ever blog post and may not make a whole lot of sense but just let me ramble.  I read the Bible.  I love God.  I follow Jesus and I won't apologize if that bothers you.  I'm the husband to a beautiful woman and I have two little girls who I love with all my heart.  I am a member of First Christian Church in Union, MO.  I serve on our worship team and it is an honor to me that I'm allowed to do so.  I love singing, I love attempting (LOL) to play guitar!!  I pray a LOT.  A very good friend of mine gave me a really good analogy on prayer, but I'll save that for my next post.  I love fishing when I get time.  I used to be pretty good at golf but no longer have the time to play as much but I have a great time when I'm able.  I am a HUGE Green Bay Packers fan. Got the tattoo to prove it!!  HAHA!!!  My wife may not believe this but when I'm at home alone, I actually enjoy doing laundry and even dishes sometimes, it relaxes me.  I've been in the car business for 11 years and I'm the sales manager at a Ford dealership.  I love my Grandmother.  She is such an interesting person and for too long I took her for granted.  Sometimes I beat myself up for not spending enough time with her and I need to make that a priority before it's too late.  I lost my other Grandmother a couple years ago and I truly regret not spending more time with her.  I have a lot of really good friends.  Some of my friends, I really look up to.  I'm sure that some of those that I look up to are reading this right now and if that's the case, you mean more to me than you know.  You afford me opportunities that I truly appreciate and I intend on making the most of those opportunities and using my platform to serve God the very best that I can!!!  You know who you are.  I love music.  I REALLY love music.  All kinds.  I love classical music but really only when seeing it performed live.  I like some country music, 70's and 80's rock, but my favorite music is contemporary Christian music.  I took guitar lessons for a while and I wish that I still had time to take them.  I really love playing my guitars when I have time.  I really need to MAKE time but it's tough.  My first love is vocal music though.  I had a full scholarship for vocal music and really did well with it but I was young and goofed it off.  I was going to be a music teacher.  Sometimes I beat myself up about not staying the course but I truly believe that God had other plans for me, at least at that time in my life.  I probably wouldn't have met my wife and my life would be completely different than it is.  I could really ramble on and on and on but I'm going to cut this one short.  So, there it is, my first post.  There will be more, many more I'm sure.  Did I mention that I love God??  Well, yes I did, but I can't say it enough!!!   By the way, who are YOU???


  1. You forgot to mention that you are a steadfast friend, a listening ear, and an infectious laugher.

  2. This is a great post Jon. It really makes me think about who I am. And, I'm not sure that I know. I do know that we all beat ourselves up too often. I moved back to Washington to be closer to my grandma while I still have the chance. But still, life gets in the way & I don't see her as much as I'd like.

    Thanks for making me think about this! I'm glad you're blogging, it therapeutic in a way!
