Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Prayer...........................How would you like to be ignored????

So a very good friend of mine gave me a great analogy on prayer a while back and it really stuck.  Let me try to set this up.  God is ALWAYS with us.  OK, let me say that again.  God is ALWAYS with us.  Even when it seems that He isn't, even at times when maybe you're doing something that you just might not prefer Him to see you, He is there.  OK??  Point made??  He's there.  Now that we have that established, let me propose a hypothetical situation.  Suppose you were with someone that you love with all your heart constantly and I mean ALWAYS.  24/7, day and night, you went everywhere with them, in their car, to their job, breakfast, lunch and dinner!!  Am I being clear enough??  So let me ask you this.  What if, even though you were with this person all the time, this person that you LOVE with every bit of your heart, they only took time to talk to you on Sunday mornings, sometimes before their meals and once in a while at night before they went to bed?  This person just forgets that you even exist all the rest of their time!!  How would that feel?  You see, God is always there with you and He wants a relationship with you.  Not just for us to sing to Him and pray to Him a little at church.  Not just the occasional before dinner prayer.  God wants to be part of our lives, not only that, He wants to be the center of our lives!!  Doesn't He deserve that??  My very favorite verse in the Bible is Philippians 4:6. In the Living Bible it reads "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for his answers."  Do you see that?  PRAY about EVERYTHING.  See God doesn't want us to worry.  We don't add one hour to our lives by worrying.  He wants us to hand it all over to Him and let him take care of it but we have to TRUST in Him that He will take care of our needs.  Not always on our time but on His.  He wants what is very best for us and He wants a loving and caring relationship with us.  So, really, how would YOU like being ignored????

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