Sunday, October 23, 2011

Discipline.............or lack thereof!!

So, it's been, well, quite a while since I've posted anything. (Thank you Nathan for mentioning my blog today, by the way!!)  One of the reasons I've been absent is, well, just life.  Life has been so busy the past few months that sometimes I have to just slow down and catch my breath!!  It's been a good busy though, for the most part!!  In this chaotic run of life I've been in recently, one thing has been bothering me and that's the fact that I feel I've lost some discipline in some areas of life.  I don't want to be too hard on myself, but in all reality, it's been laziness............and the fact that I had to have my phone reset and updated not too long ago and man, I have to catch up on all that progress I had made on Angry Birds!  I mean, come on, I had beaten every level and now, well, I've got to catch back up!!!  LOL!!  OK, had to have a little comedy, right?? 
First, and in no particular order, our finances.  Don't get me wrong, we are fine.  In fact, on Sept. 29th, Kylie and I finished a 12 month and 2 week journey to become debt free besides our home.  On Sept. 11th, 2010, we started Financial Peace University at church and we started out with $42100 in consumer debt! (if you've taken the class, we only wrote down $39700 on our total debt card in the first class, only to realize when we got home that we had left out a $2400 credit card!!!)  So we succeeded in knocking that out through budgeting, sacrifice, creativity and LOTS of discipline and it's a great feeling and while I know that it's been less than a month, I feel that we've slipped some in this area.  No, we haven't gone into debt at all and I know that we need to let loose a little and celebrate, but some of the little things that we used to think as trivial are now bothering me.  For instance, going over budget on eating out or stopping at the convenience store and grabbing sodas and snacks when I know that we have that stuff at home.  I know it seems like no big deal but it just bothers me a little since the discipline is what allowed us to beat our debt and stay on the right path.
Second, and I know for most, this is not a priority at all, but my running has slipped........badly!!  I love running, I REALLY love running and I got back out on the road Friday night and it felt great but before that it had been more than two weeks since my last run and before that like a week and a half.  While I know that it's easy to say that "I'm too busy", or "I don't have time", or "Since I had that late night car deal, I'm gonna skip my run tonight", I feel like I'm letting myself down and not because of anything competitive at all.  I feel like I'm letting myself down because when I'm out on a good long run, I have time to relax(is that a contradiction?? LOL), wind down, listen to music, pray, think, and really just enjoy God's creation!!  Not to mention the fact that I can ALREADY see a little bit of that annoying gut coming back!! guitar..............there Caleb, are ya happy?!?!?!  HaHa!!  I have a beautiful acoustic guitar that I really enjoy playing and wow, it sure looks pretty there next to our fireplace on it's stand!!  I really don't have a lot to say about this one because I've been lazy on this on for a LONG time!!  Caleb, keep prodding me on this one and I'll pick it up again!!  Probably this winter when there is too much snow on the ground to run!!!  LOL!!!
Thanks for reading, now that I've put it in writing, it should be a nice way to get back on track.  Is there anything you've been slacking on that you need to get a handle on??  Now I can get back to playing Angry Birds!!!

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