Thursday, July 14, 2011

What in the world is God teaching me through this???

OK, so I haven't been on here in a while.  Guess nothing has really hit me to write about..............well, actually I have lots to write about but just haven't found the time. 
A few months ago, March 13th to be exact, I wrote a silly post about how I, yes me, was going to try running.  I figured it would be a short lived deal and I would just run a few times and get sick of it.  Well, at first, that is sort of what happened.  I ran a mile that first day, then a few days later, ran another mile then.........well, yeah, I pretty much slacked off for a while.  Then, a couple friends here in our subdivision invited me to join their running challenge on Nike + and that's when the fun began.  My first run in the challenge was on April 26th.  I ran 1.1 miles and thought I was really doing something!!  My next run was like 1.2, then 1.8 (boy was I hitting it!!  LOL!!!) after that, it jumped....quick.....REAL quick!!  My next run was like 3.13, then 4.02, 4.52, etc. Within 3 weeks I hit 8 miles!!!  No stopping, no walking, 8.04 miles.....running!!  My longest run to date is 10.16 miles 2 days after my 35th birthday (who says I'm old!!!)  Hahaha!!  I don't even feel like I've gotten a real workout unless I get in at least 6 miles now!  Since April 26th, I've run a total of 129.61 miles!! What in the world is going on here?  There is NO way that I should be putting up distance like this such a short time in, but I'm doing it, and the only thing that keeps going through my mind is, What could God be teaching me through this?  I think of this while I'm running.  I just keep going, and going, and going.  Could He be teaching me to not give up, to stay the course, to keep pushing in other areas of my life??  My faith, my trust in Him, my relationship with my daughters, with my wife, my career??  I have no idea.  I may ramble a little here, so forgive me.  To some of you, this may seem trivial, but read my other post.  I was seriously the guy who had absolutely NO interest in running at all!!  There is no way that this is of my own ability.  I give credit to God in all of my accomplishments, including this.  I try to look deeper into the situation to try to see what I'm supposed to learn through all of my experiences.  That remains one of my toughest challenges, to try to take a step back from every situation or experience, whether good or bad and try to see what God is trying to teach me.  I LOVE Him.  I depend on Him and I do my best to trust Him in every area of my life.  I don't have all the answers and I certainly don't know exactly what He is trying to teach me through this but I do know this......I'm ready and willing to learn!!

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